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Vivek's Story

The stakes in OBGYN healthcare are incredibly high. This review isn’t just a recommendation—it’s a plea for families to know that better care is not only possible but essential. From our first interaction over three years ago to the birth of our second child earlier this year, Dr. Thompson has redefined for us what OBGYN care can and should be: world-class expertise delivered with genuine compassion. His approach stands in stark contrast to the cold, impersonal, assembly-line corporate OBGYN care that many have come to accept as standard.

We know this because we’ve lived both worlds. After an uneventful first pregnancy, we experienced the devastation of a loss during our second pregnancy. The popular Bay Area hospital network where we were enrolled for many years failed us—refusing to see us before week eight due to policy, redirecting us to urgent care where non-specialists provided no helpful answers, and responding to our eventual loss with chilling detachment. As my wife sat in the ER waiting room, sobbing and processing the loss, the triage nurse mechanically went over routine questions while someone from billing demanded to see her insurance card. After many hours, the ER doctor, whom we had never met before, confirmed our loss before sending us home with little more than a perfunctory “sorry.” There was no follow-up from our regular OBGYN department or doctor.

The loss was beyond anyone’s control, but the lack of compassion and humanity in care was a systemic choice. This was not a failure of individual caregivers we encountered. It was the predictable outcome of a system optimized for profit, processes, and volume of patients, not for the complex, deeply personal needs of women and families navigating some of life’s most vulnerable moments. Mainstream OBGYN doesn’t prioritize accessibility to your doctor during the most critical times in your family’s journey. It doesn’t care if women meet a new stranger at every prenatal visit. It doesn’t care if the doctor delivering your child has never looked you in the eye before or even knows your full name. The bar is cruelly low for women.

In the depths of this despair, we found Dr. Thompson, then at Stanford. The difference in response was night and day. Despite a jam-packed schedule, he made space for us the next day, spending over an hour with two people he had never met before to help us process our loss. This singular act of kindness became the foundation of a three-year journey culminating in the birth of our second child. Dr. Thompson’s concierge practice demonstrates that better care is both possible and necessary. Knowing our history, he started prenatal visits as early as week five, dedicating approximately an hour to each unhurried session and addressing every concern with warmth and humor. Most importantly, Dr. Thompson was always available 24/7, whether by text, email, call, or meeting in person if needed. When my wife developed postpartum preeclampsia, he answered our call at 2 AM, had a room ready for us at Stanford before we arrived, and ensured treatment began immediately. In an alternate world, we would have been forced to rush to a random ER in the middle of the night, staffed by strangers with no knowledge of our situation, and required to answer numerous questions before receiving care.

In summary, we have learned that pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum are inherently unpredictable, filled with twists, turns, and a minefield of uncontrollable variables even in textbook scenarios. In those moments, you don’t need a stranger in charge of your health and care. You need someone who knows your name, your story, your fears, your needs—and who will stand by you and advocate on your behalf at every step. Dr. Thompson is that someone. His practice embodies what OBGYN healthcare should aspire to: personalized, compassionate, and human. Compared to the corporate healthcare system that treats patients as nameless data points, he offers world-class care that makes women feel seen, heard, and valued.

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